Wednesday, March 11, 2009


This being my first post, I thought I'd take a minute to introduce myself. My name is Jennifer. I'm 26 years young living in Southern California. I've been a yo-yo dieter all my life but last fall I finally had enough. None of my clothes fit and I refused to go up to size 20 again. The threat of diabetes also terrified me. I finally took some action and rejoined Weight Watchers. In addition I started taking Jazzercise and weight lifting classes for all my exercise needs. So far I've lost 30lbs and I'm feeling good about myself. This blog will carry details about both my weight loss journey and my personal life.

To give you all a little more information about myself I composed a list of 25 random facts about me on Facebook. I thought I'd post it here as well. Here you go:

1. The odds of my mother and I surviving my birth was 1 in 6 million. Needless to say, I was a miracle.

2. I am a true Jason Mraz fanatic! I've been to 13 of his concerts since 2003.

3. When I get nervous I have a weird habit of yawning over and over again.

4. I take Jazzercise classes 3 days a week and I LOVE IT!

5. My guilty pleasure is The Bad Girls Club on Oxygen. It's such trash but I'm totally addicted.

6. As much as I loath Perez Hilton, I'm totally addicted to his website.

7. My life goal is to buy a home and become financially stable.

8. My favorite song of all time is "California" by Joni Mitchell.

9. I'm becoming my mother and I'm not even trying to fight it.

10. I never thought I wanted to have children until recently. I'm not in any rush but at least I know that it's something that I want in the future.

11. If I have a daughter I still plan on naming her Lilianna even though that's what I named my dog. I can always tell her I named her after a dog just like my mother told me my middle name came from a cat.

12. I do believe my aunt's death brought me closer to my family. I couldn't thank her enough for that.

13. I've been a fan of the paranormal ever since having my first experience several years ago.

14. My brother and I are so psychically connected that we can answer each others questions without even asking them.

15. I was raised a Christian Scientist. I left the church at age 12. I briefly returned after my aunt past away but quit again because I felt that I wasn't there for me, I was there for her.

16. I hope to one day move to San Diego.

17. I was in choir for 6 years. I quit at COC because I couldn't handle the teacher's personality.

18. I've been to over 15 Broadway shows.

19. I sing the same song ("Gravity" by Sara Bareilles) every day in the shower.

20. I love beer a little too much. Instead of consuming a ton of calories I tend to stick to light beers. My favorites are Corona Light or Heineken Light.

21. I'm 26 and still feel like a kid, just with a lot more responsibilities.

22. Clowns scare me more than anything.

23. I have an addiction to overusing emoticons.

24. I don't like talking on the phone unless it's with someone that I haven't talked to in a really long time.

25. I honestly feel that there is no room in my heart for hate and those who have hurt me in the past have been forgiven and forgotten.